We know what we are to this country.

When does accountability become blame?

The soul purpose of the Black man living in the united States of America would be to establish an economic, mental and emotionally stable ecosystem. At least it is what I grasped form the book Black Men Obsolete, Single, Dangerous? By Hakir R. Madhubti. A book that covered the overt and covert attacks on the character and well being of aboriginal men of the world ,and specifically those within the continent of so called Africa and the Americas. I was personal angered more and more as I turned each page reveling to me the otiosities committed upon my people. More so revealing that the anger I’ve felt was no new occurrence just a reawakening from the cells of my ancestors. Those who were forced into a corner striped of all that was need to provide for a family, and then persecuted for acting in the only way that they could. When a black man able to within stand the onslaught of attacks presented to him since kindergarten, and somehow made it to some level of prestige, no presence being spared to destroy there reparations. To the poor and defeated man that would choose to remove his self from the reality that he lives within the government supplied drugs, not being labeled sick as his condition indicates, being labeled a criminal with the treat to have his freedom removed presently.

Even more important than the attacks that black men had to face from the pale faces of European decent, would be the conditions of his own neighborhood. Where the life of a black man being so devalued that a crab in a barrel mindset takes hold. Where the woman who is sought after by every male in existence is treated as door mat by a defeated king with the mind of a peasant. Where the worthless piece of government paper commonly known as the dollar is the God and people were merely obstacles toward that goal. Difficulty to manage a stable life without the use of these instruments of slavery is a tall order. Jobs that seem stable slowly eat away at the soul which force black men to lean towards there nature, most being illegal. It poses a very peculiar question in the fact of whether or not the system as it stand would survive without the use of these instruments. Personally what I believe not in the slightest.

Black men being only a minimized being labeled through the eyes of foreign spectators, which is merely a vision that isn’t even in infancy compared to the true name of these so called black men. Mapping the stars is no new feat but it seems as these so called black men receive not recognition for the fact their presence was too there during the creation of these stars to be mapped. For the black man is viewed and categorized within a scope that only encapsulates a fraction as smalls as 1/13 of the life of the being. This would be equal to saying the seed is the tree without the soil, sunlight, water and atmosphere. It is well know that the melaniated man is responsible for the educating of nearly all walks of life with the Caucasian throughout history yet this is ignored in the praise for the accomplishments of the so called black man.

The perception of the so called black man that exist in the landmass that is categorized as the united states government is that of mad man towards civilized nations. While at the same time portraying the man as ought to be civilized, while in captivity as a prisoner of war. Stolen from the land via misdirected efforts disguised unfortunate events, while in reality was a though out and strategic attack and removal. These tactics, though portrayed as yesteryear via the media, has never truly stopped for the simple fact the promotion of the characters of the worst of men as, drug dealer, murders, as well as the simply lost. While engineers, doctors, architects, and business owners seem to be the exception. What would be the goal of the assumption that melinated man as dangerous for the simple burning of building when all means of civilized discussion has been lost? Do were categorized all people in this manor? Would we assume that all white men bomb churches, kidnap children, lynch, and are the definition of the devil that the bible portrays? IF the standard for the melinated man were used from the eye of law enforcement were applied to the Caucasian how long would they might survive? I don’t condone attacking and ostracizing individuals without the character of the individual is not the sole cause, nor do I believe that one should be punished for acts they themselves did not commit. A sentiment that I have adopted from the late MLK, though the scheme that was played against him was his downfall, I cannot bring myself to condemn a man for having honest means that was corrupted by men who lacked any sense of morality towards him and the people he represented.

While we wait as yet another’s struggles and injustices take the lead over the elephant that the congressmen and judicial members refuse to address. While it may be illegal to launder money, travel to other countries without a passport, and kick out a squatter, it, by definition, legal to lynch “black people”. While you may ask what are “black people” a definition that has been use as legal that prevents the “anti Lynching bill” to be passed. For there is no social status for “black people”. Are they African Americans? Impossible for “African” is a person derived from the continent however the continent by law is not a nation. America also a continent broken into three parts still by law is not a nation. For the misplaced “black person” they legally have no grounded to say that anything done to them would be illegal, for the “black person” has no border of defense, for example one living in California, cant defended the boarders of new York city, though they are part of the same continent they are bound to different geographical locations. A person may be African but of what nation, as well as American but of what state or territory? The misnomer that all people in America that are melinated are black is misleading for the fact the lands are now multicultural. A true African American is one who has mother roots to a land that is recognized as an independent country of Africa and whom has gained citizenship within the continental united states. However for those who only have mother roots of the continental united states African American is a not a description that would apply to them.

The Term Native American is used to describe those who were native to the land that were living in the land at the time of the colonizers. Though it was a term used to describe them it was not what the people used for themselves. Not only that, native is used to describe someone born on a particular landmass not heritage. One may be born and be native to an African county but still hold customs and cultures of their parents who were born elsewhere. So anyone born today in America can be categorized as a Native American. The argument of “black people” has been used to describe people who are of darker completion who have not a status that can be used outside of this county, so the would be labeled as descendant from slavery. However this too brings up a point of contention because the story states that all “black people” were taken from Africa to become slaves. This leads to the aforementioned African American to be used to label these few. However who would be able to distinguish an African American of immigrant status verses an African American of slave decent, without proper demarcations to set them apart? IF the argument is reparations which of the two would be clearly defined pertaining to which applies to which. Would a descendant of slaves be categorized as native? For the definition also applies to them as well. Those who were said to be slaves because they worked for the incoming foreigners for a time period.

How say do we categorized one who knows law? That categorized himself as White for which it being a status and not an ethnicity. Would he be owed reparations if his tax forms read as white? While these questions are being ignored civil liberties are being shared with groups whom which are organized behind a bases of just as these yet or being moved ahead with. Even though a Chinese American is the head of an operation for anti-hate, the benefits extends to the entire Continent of Asian for the anti- Asian Hate bill. There was no need to specify the bill to defend the Chinese for they fall in the category of Asian. However for the “black person” there tides to either contented Africa or America is that of slavery. One would have to prove that one was a slave by means that don’t exist. Slavery is defined as forced servitude to a person for an extended period of time. One released from bondage is entitled to a pay, their freedom is the payment. Chattel, as the black man was described as, were treated as animals. This brings to head the level in which this label, its branding is that of them as property, needed no freedom other than death. So to why we see a rise in imprisonment, health related deaths, and a marketing of inferiority of the “black man” and his woman. Since slavery never ended only shifted in nature what would it mean to pay reparation to a slave while in captivity. How would one gain freedom when the means of freedom are held within the captures? It’s impossible for the simple existence of an hierarchy that places things of value untouchable to those who would be categorized as black and male. One labeled black male and felon yields permanent employment within the United States corporation so freedom is earned though rigorous labor. The reparation would have to be sufficient enough to free one from the bounds of slavery.

Are black people the people the ones that we see on sitcoms, profession sports play and musicians, or are they the shop workers, plumbers, teachers, and caregivers? It should be easy being that the way to categorize these people of having no citizenship outside of the United States. However there are generations who have known only these continental united states, and are not people who can be described as descendants of slavery. Even harder still will the lynching of these so called “black” people still remains legal. Furthermore it seems prudent to believe that reparations would be used to any benefit if these people can be lynched upon there liberation. At the same time the reparations bill should be rewritten and this rewriting can give time to push the anti-lynching bill so that the air may be clear on who black people truly are.





kamar Eaton

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