Monopoly Go: How To Win More Medals In Tycoon Racers

Here are some tips to help you and your team dominate the Tycoon Racers championship.

Monopoly GO Tycoon Racers event is similar to Partners events but with a twist: instead of having multiple partners, you team up with three players. Together, your team races against other teams on a track, earning boosts and small rewards as you complete laps.

To maximize your medal count and secure the grand prize, it’s crucial to understand the event’s phases, strategies, and reward system. Here are some tips to help you and your team dominate the Tycoon Racers championship.

Team Coordination: Building a strong team is the first decisive step towards triumph. Coordination and cooperation are key to maximizing your medal count, ensuring everyone is working towards the common goal of winning races and earning medals.

Collect Flags: Gather Flags through Quick Wins, free gifts, tournaments, milestones, and board pickups. Flags are essential for progressing in races and earning medals.

Optimize Dice Usage: Use your dice strategically. Aim for multipliers and special bonuses by hitting doubles or triples. This can significantly boost your score and help you finish races in higher positions.

Focus on Lap Milestones: Completing laps not only helps you progress in races but also earns you valuable rewards. Aim to complete as many laps as possible to maximize your rewards and medal count.

Late Joiners: If you join the event late, don’t be discouraged. Focus on earning as many medals as possible and make the most of the remaining races.

With these strategies of the event, you and your team can maximize your medal count and aim for the grand prize in the Monopoly Go Tycoon Racers event. Good luck and happy racing!

For more info about Monopoly Go, please feel free to browse U4gm. Also, this is the best place that offers cheap Monopoly Go Stickers for sale, which is 100% legal. If you want to buy some, don’t forget to use code "Mods" for an extra 5% off!

Jime kalmiya

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