The book of #genesis where it all began is about #genetics, the corrupting of #dna, the creation of the serpent seed offspring. Lots of scripture has been #tampered, many words have been replaced with #symbolism, this is why many don't have true innerstanding of biblical text. The body of the #tree in the garden was symbolic for the body of a being, the #limbs was symbolic for actual #arms of this same being. Did you think it was just a coincidence that they was naked in the #garden? Did you really think they was eating apples? The reference of the #tree of #knowledge was in regards to a being with knowledge of good & evil. As we all know the word #snake has even been used when referring to a person who can't be trusted. The #apple was symbolic for #sexual organs, the referring to #forbidden fruit we have heard when referring to children. The fall of #mankind was because of a sexual sin. The #biblical wheat (Yahuah's children) vs the tares (satan's children). In the garden satan #deceived Eve putting her under a #spell convinced her to bare his #child whom could one day rule the earth. Humanity has been in a #spiritual warfare since the beginning of time. Eve's #punishment was #birth #pains #menstrual. Making it make sense