We were right! World premiere episode! ~ Rizza Islam #rizzaislam
Over 5,000,000,000 across the world were successfully experimented on. Over 200,000,000 in America alone. After nearly 3 years of warning, educating, fighting for and arming the masses with facts, scientific data and solutions Rizza Islam and others have now been proven correct!

The people who were traveling the country to warn the over 330,000,000 citizens in America of this wicked agenda were attacked & censored by this government. We were removed from every social media platform. We were slandered across mainstream media relentlessly! We were called; Conspiracy theorists, Antivaxxers, Unscientific quacks, bigots, insane super spreaders of misinformation and even murderers & TERRORISTS!

We were placed on government watchlists to monitor our movements in order to prevent us from reaching the people. Rizza Islam was put on the "Disinformation Dozen" list of what the White House called the "Most DANGEROUS SPREADERS of MISINFORMATION across the internet where COVID & VACCINES are concerned". Stating that we were responsible for over 70% of ALL MISINFORMATION on the entire internet. Many of us were devastated financially due to our platforms being completely removed. The irony in all of this is indeed poetic.

We not only reached hundreds of millions we reached potentially BILLIONS with the TRUTH in order to SAVE LIVES! Turns out, WE WERE RIGHT! However, being right is one thing while securing the lives of the people is another.

In the first episode of his very own show researcher, author, educator, entrepreneur, humanitarian and now PODCASTER Rizza Islam brings us down memory lane into the Covid Agenda with many twists that we may have forgotten and/or never knew about! Get Ready!

P.S, all of the platforms which were removed from us should indeed be FULLY RETURNED!