Let’s keep it 💯 and set the record straight once and for all. Someone (and that can be anyone) that chooses to follow and practice the Hebraic (Hebrew) or Judaic (Judaism) religion can do so easily by choice no different from any other religion. But someone choosing to be Hebrew/JewISH doesn’t justifiably qualify for them to claim to be a Semite/Semitic. Being Semitic/a Semite has absolutely nothing to do with following, practicing or choosing a religion. Being a Semite (Semitic) has more to do with one’s genealogy and cultural lineage.
Etymology of the word Semite… the word/term “Semite” derives from the name “Shem” (one of Noah’s 4 sons from the Bible story) and for someone to claim to be a true Semite (Semitic) based on their genealogical origin and DNA lineage they must be melanin dominant or a BLACK person. Yet there are people claiming to be Semitic/Semites that clearly aren’t. You can’t claim a genetic lineage as if it were a religion, and sheeple are allowing certain people to do just that.
Zay Fucifino
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