With as much love and raspect I have for this talented Ndugu (brother in Swahili) what’s troubling is how he has a level of knowledge of self knowing the ourstory of the rappers/peers that came before him. Rappers like Eric B and Rakim Allah (both students of “Allah School of Mecca Street Academy” founded by Clarence 13X aka Father Allah) that gained a knowledge of self. And as talented as Ndugu Naz is he ignorantly uses the white supremacist anti-Afrkan word/term “nigger” (nigga) in his lyrics while those that have inspired and influenced him didn’t. In my opinion that’s a sign of regression not progression. It’s been demonstrated abundantly that the use and inclusion of the white supremacist derogatory word of perversion doesn’t EVER have to be included in the lyrics of hip-hop, and that’s what’s troubling about Ndugu rapper Naz.