2 yrs ·Youtube

So how much more will it take for you (black people) to learn what your worth/value is to those powers that be that you/we all rely on daily for our survival?
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan warned us in the same way his teacher The Honorable Minister Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) taught his student to warn his people that, until black people learn and gain a TRUE knowledge of self, learn who their true oppressors and enemies are and learn to do for self and kind first and foremost, they’ll ALWAYS be at the mercy and dependence of their oppressor and enemy and subjugated to their unloving mistreatment of themselves and their own people. This incident is a prime example to support these facts. Freedom or being free is devalued if there’s no power to survive independently in that existence.
I pray they’ll find a new home soon.