Incase you haven’t heard the news, officially, as of this year, internet TV has surpassed cable TV, as the number one tv program/event viewing source, for residential tv-watchers, world-wide, during their leisure time. (source 1)
What is ‘internet TV’? Internet TV is the video streaming of licensed professional content (typically TV shows, live events and movies). “TV” here refers to the nature and status of the content. It drives the key requirement that access be selectively controlled, based on licensing arrangements, which place restrictions on who may see the content (that is, subscribers only), and where and when the content may be seen. Broadband connected TVs, game consoles, open set-top boxes, PCs, smartphones and media tablets are all considered receivers of Internet TV. (source 2)
Keep ‘in mind’ that; within the number of t.v.-watching audience, are those in the ‘ready to buy’ mindset, currently in the market to purchase your product, cloud-based-platform, charity, non-for-profit or service, too. In addition, common-sense and logic dictates that, the ‘best’ time to take advantage of sales and marketing outlet opportunity, is when it’s on a ‘trending and popularity uptick’. This, is that time.
In no particular order, here are 10 reasons why internet T.V. is the best marketing and sales strategy:
1. Gain a ‘Captive’ Audience
People watch ‘a lot’ of t.v., (source 3), for the most part. What better way to get in front of the eyes, of a ‘captive audience’? You don’t get any more ‘captive’, in terms of ‘people paying attention and being highly focused’, than those relaxing in their bed, or on their coach, within their respective homes, cottages, condos, or apartments. At this point, it’s clear to see how to get the ‘best value’ for your advertising dollar.
2. Grab The Attention of Those Who Are Currently Outside of Their Living Space
T.V.s are located in almost half of the indoor public spaces you visit, by now, especially in downtown cores, world-wide. While stopping to run your errands, chances are, you’ll see one, or more, t.v.s mounted to a wall in a non-residential location, while inside most commercial buildings. You’ll see/hear t.v.; while you’re sitting in a medical practice (or Dentist’s) office, a coffee shop, dinner, restaurant, or while watching in the lobby of a building, just to name a few. Think of the marketing and sales potential.
3. The Bigger the Screen – the Longer the Attention
Yes, social media, networking events, and print ads, can be effective forms of bringing attention to your business/cause, however, not like internet t.v. Let’s face it, the screen sizes matters, when it comes to getting, and keeping people’s attention (source 4). Knowing this fact, gives you a competitive advantage within your respective business markets. This knowledge is your ‘leg up’/’ace in the hole’ figuratively speaking.
4. Multi-platform Video-on-Demand (V.O.D.) Broadcasted Simultaneously
It’s safe to safe that most of us would agree that, there isn’t more popular video-on-demand platform than YouTube. With internet t.v., you’re not competing with YouTube, you are using it as a tool, a long with a plethora of other tools, to harness the power of gaining, and keeping, at home t.v.-watcher’s attention. With internet t.v., you can have you 30-mintue or 1-hour segment, aired, on YouTube and many other popular platforms, at the same time. Now, along with being viewed on cell phone, personal computers, and tablets, your brand can be seen on big screen t.v.s, as well. Think of the sales/promotional potential!
5. No Technical Skills Required
Well, yes and no. If you start your own internet t.v. streaming station, then yes, you’re on your own, in the back end, as starting your own internet t.v. platform can be stressful/hassle-filled, especially if you don’t already have the technical know-how. In fact, the learning curve, for the ‘technologically challenged’, could last weeks, or months, using online courses/how-to-videos and/or other learning sources. However, fear not! It’s best to ‘work smarter, not harder’ in this context. Instead of starting your own internet t.v. platform, which could could thousands per month, and requires expensive hardware, as well, joint on to an already-established internet t.v. platform. That way, everything technical, is ‘done for you’, on the ‘back end’ and you just sit back and enjoy in payment notifications coming in.
6. Get Your Very Own ‘Done-For-You’ Channel Space on a Popular T.V. Channel
What’s a 3-party t.v. channel space? A 3rd-party t.v. channel space is your very own space, on someone else’s internet t.v. platform. This partnership, allows you to populate your 3rd party tv channel space with ‘your content’, which anyone may access ‘anytime’, through video-on-demand-methods. Think of the platform like a house and ‘your space’ is like a ‘room in the house’, amongst various other rooms. Make it eye-catching, unique and fun! Showcase, the best of your service, cloud-based-platform, social cause, product or brand.
7. Different Promotional Options
Your video-on-demand remains on the platform’s server, in perpetuity, until/unless you instruct for it to be removed. What that means, you video may be viewed, and reviews, many times, which equals millions of unique views for ‘your video’. Don’t want a 30-minute, or 1-hour, time slot? No problem. Simply agree to have your 30-second ad shown somewhere in the middle of another unrelated video and promote/advertise, that way. Have your brand, service, product, cause or cloud-based-platform showcased on internet t.v., is a win-win for all.
8. Cost-efficient and R.O.I.
Since what you pay never increases based on how many times your video/ad is viewed, each time someone views your content increased your video’s/ad’s value, making this method of marketing the most cost-effective each time someone clicks play on your video/ad. Additionally, you’ll receive a return on your investment the very first time, the very first person who clicks ‘play’ on your ad/video.
9. Highly Affordable
Think you can’t afford internet t.v.? Well, once again, yes and no. If you go it alone, as mentioned earlier, this is the most costly route, costing you a few thousand dollars each month. If you sign on to an already established internet t.v. platform, already ‘in-progress’, it’s 80% to 90% less than the cost of running your very own internet t.v. monthly.
10. No More ‘PPC’ (Pay-per-Click)
One of the many hassles of social media ads, it’s that pesky PPC (pay-per-click) feature. With each click, it’s like witnessing your money being flushed down the latrine. With internet t.v., your sales closing ratio potential actually increases with each view. Which do you prefer, you profit/income decreasing, or decreasing?
With internet tv, you’re never locked into any contract. This is a turn-key (ready-to-use) system and all that technical back-end technical tasks are ‘done-for-you’. Get interviewed on-site, on webcam, were you can demo your cloud-based-platform, speak about your non-for-profit/charity (cause), or talk about your product/service with a Business Expert Host. It’s never been easier to get your product, service, brand, non-profits, or cloud-based-platform, in front of millions of t.v.-watching viewers, world-wide! So, which one of the above reasons appealed to you the most? Let me know in the comment session, or by messaging me, here. Until next time, make it a ‘great’ day!