$0 Dibesarkan dari $400.00


Good morning my lovely melanated family.......ok so I know I absolutely hate putting my pride 2 the side and ask anybody 4 anything but look I'm really struggling and going through a lot and without having literally any family or friends 2 help makes it 10 times harder....literally all my family has passed away....just lost my mom not 2 long ago and she was the last so me and my kids are truly having a hard time mentally and physically.....I'm trying 2 get out of this Motel where we have been living 4 a while now but paying week 2 week on only 1 paycheck is sooooo hard 2 save up anything especially trying 2 buy food, and all the stuff I need 4 my diabetes, ?. We lost a lot of our things in storage before we moved in here and so I'm slowly trying 2 get clothes 4 all of us but it's just hard and I just need like a hand up....We really could get out of here within a couple of weeks if I had possibly at least $400....that would help with being able to put down on something and keep atleast part of my check so I'm not playing catch up....SMH. I'm not asking 4 this all from 1 person but if maybe I could get just a few contributions from some of u it would be a blessing. I do completely understand if u are unable 2 help but I appreciate anything. I'm sorry 2 have 2 keep asking 4 help but this is just getting 2 be too much. If you can't help...prayers would be great as well. Thank you all in advance and God bless. Love yall ?


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$0 Dibesarkan dari $400.00