We have to learn to take care of our own.
In Buffalo, a young woman froze to death in her car. She was texting her family while trapped in her car. The police did not get to her until the next afternoon.
While in Erie County a black woman & her boyfriend saved an old white man who was also trapped in his car. He had 4th degree frostbite. If it were not for them he would have died.
We need to organize our own rescue teams in our communities and stop waiting for these paid workers who don't look like us to come to our aid. Also we also save others but don't save our own. I don't know the full story but there should have been a team of us going to save this women if possible. We need to unite, organize and get on a code before they wipe us the fuck out. Do black lives really matter? #annoyed #sosad #wakeupblackpeople
Please Buy black on these fake ass made up eurocentric holidays.......LOL 😂 😂 🤣 🤣
Trust, I was once mesmorized by the Christ-mas holy days too, but I know better now. Plus I keep my bonus money stacking up instead of giving it to Walmart, Target & Amazon. Those clear ppl know how to take our money and keep up brainwashed.
Check out www.buyblackmovement.com/detriag. This site practices garveyism everyday of the year. #staystrapped #stayblack