Who they turn into heroes is filled with such racist and sexist bias that a person who is an "ADVISOR TO CONGRESS" couldn't think of anyone else because he couldn't think of another white name. #thefuckery

Who they turn into heroes is filled with such racist and sexist bias that a person who is an "ADVISOR TO CONGRESS" couldn't think of anyone else because he couldn't think of another white name. #thefuckery
Who they turn into heroes is filled with such racist and sexist bias that a person who is an "ADVISOR TO CONGRESS" couldn't think of anyone else because he couldn't think of another white name. #thefuckery
Who they turn into heroes is filled with such racist and sexist bias that a person who is an "ADVISOR TO CONGRESS" couldn't think of anyone else because he couldn't think of another white name. #thefuckery
Africa - STOP TRUSTING KNOWN LIARS & DEVILS! The WHITE ones AND the BLACK ones who push their masters agenda! Bill Gates is #1 - Family, repost and ADD to the list of those who cannot be trusted! #1 BillGates. ~ #rizzaislam.
Y'all CANNOT keep blaming wipipo when you're the ones encouraging #thefuckery