Please get this hate out of your heart….
Please get this hate out of your heart…
Hold up, this hate?
I’m not hateful….
How am I hateful when I’m tellin the truth?
Let’s be real….
The history, well it’s not that long ago….
It’s a remix in the present
For your information,
Facts taste like bitter, so unkind…
Sometimes I don’t have to be nice
About them…but I can be firm…
I can be stern…let my anger make your
Brain spin for a while…am I suppose to be
Happy about racism? Am I supposed to be
Cool about ableism? Fuck no….
So if you tell me get this hate out of my heart,
Oh darlin, you’re sadly mistaken….
I don’t hate, i point fingers at dehumanization….
That’s what I’m doin…
And if you can’t handle my raw,
What are you doin In my space?
Are you tryin to correct me?
Cos I have no hate in my soul…
I know what I see,
I ain’t blind
I didn’t choose to be in a delusion
I said what the fuck i said…
Do you gotta problem with me sayin
The harsh reality in our faces?
I suggest you stay ignorant….
Cos what is the phrase?
Ignorance is bliss….💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 2-18-25
GOOD! Target drops DEI initiatives and learns there are harsh consequences