Jeff bezos fires 10,000 workers...
Jeff bezos fires 10,000 workers...
The jews...
These criminals bribed people out of their organs and re-sold them for hundreds of thousands, used the Holocaust to make millions, sold counterfeit materials to make money and did all of this using “Jewishness” as a cover. ~ #rizzaislam.
I have no idea what a "cis" woman is and I'm not even gonna look it up. That being saying, WOMEN OWN PERIODS AND WOMANHOOD! Anything else, its total Fuckery! tf you saying...? #thefuckery
Awww, the drug cartels care about your health more than pfizer does 🌝.
""We know that some of the dealers in the US started mixing cocaine with 'fenta' without letting their buyers know, and that is very dangerous," the operative said.
"Also we mix some of the heroin with fentanyl to make it more powerful, but we mark it, to let the buyer know that this one has 'fenta,'" he added. "Whatever happens when it's taken from our hands, it's not our problem."
Tianna Arata is a Black Woman who is about to face 15 years in prison. She currently has 8 charges against her including multiple felonies, all because she organized a peaceful protest. A FUCKING PROTEST. She’s an active activist using her 1st amendment to speak on systematic racism and other important issues. Please share and check out the linktree for the petition, go fund me for legal matters, etc below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Tianna Arata is a Black Woman who is about to face 15 years in prison. She currently has 8 charges against her including multiple felonies, all because she organized a peaceful protest. A FUCKING PROTEST. She’s an active activist using her 1st amendment to speak on systematic racism and other important issues. Please share and check out the linktree for the petition, go fund me for legal matters, etc below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Tianna Arata is a Black Woman who is about to face 15 years in prison. She currently has 8 charges against her including multiple felonies, all because she organized a peaceful protest. A FUCKING PROTEST. She’s an active activist using her 1st amendment to speak on systematic racism and other important issues. Please share and check out the linktree for the petition, go fund me for legal matters, etc below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾