Keepin’ it 💯… black people (blue pill takers/delusional) are misconstruing their beLIEf of them being a free people in ameriKKKa with the grants, permissions and allowances GIVEN TO THEM by their oppressor and enemy aka the european colonizers or white supremacist. Black people need to learn that FREEDOM AIN’T FREE. Now, about Juneteenth. 🤔
So wait! If what is being said, that Native Americans were the First/Original people in this planet, then they migrated to Africa, and that Africans were never brought to America on ships as slaves because they were already in America, but then the native Americans (falsely labeled as "Indian" had African slaves (but how could they be African slaves if there was no African brought to the U.S. on ships since they were already here) and why don't the Native Americans and Africans look even remotely similar?) Why then would Native Americans have Africans as slaves and why did they have slaves ONLY after wipipo kidnapped Africans from Africa (though according to some, that wasn't the case) and not before?
Come on in and join us for a little chat, roll up, pour up. . . let's vibe
So Fauci AND Justin Trudeau are BOTH testifying in court right now about certain actions they took during the pandemic. Fauci for his working with social media companies to censor us & Trudeau for how he handled the truckers protest. ~ #rizzaislam
75% of the athletes that play for the NBA are black. But NONE stepped up in support of Kyrie. Now, imagine if that 75% united in support of Kyrie and just said they weren’t gonna play if Kyrie was made to apologize just for sharing something online? It wouldn’t even take 75% of them, 50% of the 75% would’ve worked. What would/could the NBA have done if they had?